What are the ways to Exit your Business?
After a natural disaster or other significant disruption to your startup/business, you feel like not to re-open your business at all. Maybe your company was already facing difficulty. Perhaps the prospects of rebuilding from scratch, re-opening and adapting
Where can I get templates for legal documents?
Use any of the templates in the TAXAJ template library to jumpstart your sales and marketing efforts and connect with new clients. Find the perfect sales agreement or proposal template and customise it to suit your needs and close deals even faster! It
What is Valuation and what are its various methods?
When one party transfers Business or Shares to another, it becomes essential for both buyers and sellers to know the worth of moving that particular asset. The process to see the worth is nothing but "Valuation". It is a saying that "Price" is what you
What are the different types of Audits in India?
Different types of auditing exist in Indian Financial System as per the current industry practices. Audits are usually classified into two types: Statutory audits Internal audits Statutory audits take place to report the current state of a company’s finances
When is EPF Registration required for Employers?
EPF registration can be taken voluntarily by any organisation, however, it becomes mandatory for establishments- being a factory engaged in any industry employing 20 or more persons, and To any other establishment/organisation employing 20 or more persons.
What are the TDS rates applicable in India?
TDS rates applicable for resident of India Particulars TDS Rate (%) TDS Rates from 01.04.2020 to 13.05.2020 TDS Rates from 14.05.2020 to 31.03.2021 Section 192: Payment of salary Section 192A: Premature withdrawal from EPF Normal Slab Rate 10 Normal Slab