how to register trademark with easy and simple steps
Online Trademark Registration
Today, no one can deny the importance of a trademark! It plays a significant role in promoting the goods, their information, and their quality. Additionally, it assists in creating brand awareness, build value and protect the identity against the competition. Most importantly, it attracts more customers.
Thus, if your business identity is not protected yet? Then, get in touch with TAXAJ today! We are the most trusted and reliable consultants who help get Trademark Registration Online at competitive price rates. So, immediately register your brand & protect your business!
Step-by-Step Process for Online Trademark Registration
1) Trademark Search: Firstly, our expert team members will conduct a trademark search to check whether the selected mark is available or not.
2) Selecting Appropriate Class: After searching for the trademark, the next step is to select the suitable class based on the nature of your products. Good are services are classified into 45 categories such as:
Education, Recreation, Broadcasting, and Entertainment
Household Utility Goods
Medical and Pharma
Motor and Automobile Parts
Food and Beverages
Fashion and Lifestyle
3) Application Filling: Now, it’s time to fill the application by submitting all the essential details concerning your business, slogan, logo, name, etc. After that, you will be provided with the TM number that helps you to track your application. Additionally, you can use the ™ symbol for your products.
4) Registration Certificate: At last, your trademark will get registered if no objections are raised against it.
Documents Required for Trademark Registration
If you want to get Trademark Registration Online, you need to submit some documents stated below. Have a look!
Applicant’s Identity Proof
Proof of Business
Form TM 48
Logo with Tag Line
User Affidavit
Passport Size Photographs
So, if you want to establish your business and wish to protect its identity, then get Trademark Registration today!