Digital Signature Token for IceGate or AD Code Registration

Digital Signature Token for IceGate or AD Code Registration

Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) are electronic documents that provide a secure way to sign electronic documents. They are widely used for online transactions, including those related to international trade. One such application is the ICEGATE (Indian Customs Electronic Commerce Gateway) platform, which is used for customs-related transactions. Another application is the AD Code Registration, which is required for all businesses that engage in foreign trade transactions. In this blog, we will discuss how to obtain a DSC for ICEGATE or AD Code registration.


Step 1: Choose a Certifying Authority (CA)

The first step in obtaining a DSC for ICEGATE is to choose a Certifying Authority (CA) that is authorized by the government of India. There are several authorized CAs in India, including eMudhra, Sify, and Capricorn. You can choose the CA that suits your requirements.

Step 2: Provide Your Details

Once you have chosen the CA, you need to provide your details, including your name, email address, contact number, and ID proof. The CA will use these details to verify your identity and issue the DSC.

Step 3: Install the DSC

Once the DSC is issued, you need to install it on your computer. You can follow the instructions provided by the CA to install the DSC. Once the DSC is installed, you can use it to sign electronic documents on ICEGATE.

AD Code Registration DSC

Step 1: Choose a Certifying Authority (CA)

The first step in obtaining a DSC for AD Code Registration is to choose a Certifying Authority (CA) that is authorized by the government of India. There are several authorized CAs in India, including eMudhra, Sify, and Capricorn. You can choose the CA that suits your requirements.

Step 2: Provide Your Details

Once you have chosen the CA, you need to provide your details, including your name, email address, contact number, and ID proof. The CA will use these details to verify your identity and issue the DSC.

Step 3: Submit the DSC Application

Once the DSC is issued, you need to submit the DSC application to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). The application should include your DSC, along with other required documents, such as PAN card, address proof, and bank details. Once the application is processed, the DGFT will issue the AD Code Registration.


Obtaining a DSC for ICEGATE or AD Code registration is a straightforward process. You need to choose a Certifying Authority (CA), provide your details, and install the DSC on your computer. By using a DSC, you can ensure the authenticity and integrity of electronic transactions, thereby improving your security and reducing the risk of fraud and cyber attacks.

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