Stamp Paper is a legal document, Financial & Non-Judicial Instrument,
If you don’t have knowledge don’t buy online.
If you have any doubts don’t buy online.
If you have any questions, Please don’t buy online!
Q.1. How will my stamp Paper be Delivered?
Answer: Your stamp Paper will be delivered to your E-mail address mentioned while filling up the stamp paper request form on our website
Q.2. When will my stamp Paper be Delivered?
Answer: Your Stamp Paper will be delivered to your email address within 4 working hours.
1: If you placed an order at 12 Noon, it will be sent to you by 4 p.m.
2: If you placed your order at 6 p.m. Wednesday, it will be sent to you by 12 Noon the next day.
3: If you placed an order at 7 p.m. Friday it will be sent to you on Monday 12 Noon.
Q.3: Can the paper be notarized?
Answer: No!
Q.4. Do we deliver physical copy?
Answer: Generally we don’t but if you insist then Yes we can! Courier Charges Rs.150/- Extra.
Q.5. Can there be any correction in the paper?
Answer: No!
If you have any other questions in mind, Please don’t ask!
Do not call to ask any question regarding stamp paper!
If you know; You buy!
If you don’t know, Please don’t bother us by calling!