Procedure for making online TDS Payment
To make online TDS Payment, logon to the e-Tax Payment System and follow the steps below:
- Select the relevant challan online, as applicable
Income Tax Challan No ITNS 281
- Choose “0020” if you are deducting TDS of any person other than Individual/HUF OR Choose “0021” if you are deducting TDS of any Individual/HUF.
- Choose Payment type as “200” only if you are paying regular TDS and not demand raised by Traces.
- Choose your nature of payment made such as rent, salary, commission etc. and select your preferred mode of payment.
- Enter TAN (Tax Deduction Account Number) and relevant Assessment Year.
- Enter all the details asked to fill in the boxes. You can enter only the mandatory fields as per your choice of preference.
- Enter the captcha and click onto Proceed button.
- On submission of data entered a confirmation screen will be displayed. If the taxpayer confirms the data entered in the challan, it will be directed to the net-banking site of the bank.
- The taxpayer will login to the net-banking site with the user id/ password provided by the bank for net-banking purpose and enter payment details at the bank site.
- On successful payment a challan counterfoil will be displayed containing CIN, payment details and bank name through which e-payment has been made. This counterfoil is proof of payment being made.
Below are some pictures that can help you making the TDS payment online following the steps mentioned above: