Online Trademark Registration in India

Online Trademark Registration in India

Trademark Registration

Trademark registration refers to the process of legally protecting a unique brand name, logo, symbol, design, or any other distinctive sign that is used to identify and distinguish goods or services of one business from those of others. By registering a trademark, the owner obtains exclusive rights and legal protection for that mark, preventing others from using or imitating it without permission.

What Can You Register As a Trademark?

Many aspects of your brand image can be registered as a trademark. The aspect you need to consider to register a trademark online is which aspect of your brand stands out to your customers. Pick that aspect(s) for applying for a trademark in india.

1. Name

a. Product Name: You can register a particular product’s name as a trademark. Apple’s iPod is a product name trademark.

b. Business Name: Registering a company name as a trademark is the most common route businesses take. Ex: Bajaj.

c. Person’s Name/Surname: If your name plays an important part in generating revenue, then you can even trademark your name! Ex: Shah Rukh Khan has trademarked his name.

d. Abbreviations: Abbreviations of a company or brand name can also be a trademark. Ex: BMW.

2. Logo/Symbol

It is highly recommended to trademark a logo because it visually represents your brand. Your customers can recollect a logo faster than a name. A great example of a brand registration in India is the ‘swoosh’ of Nike.

3. Tagline

If you have a tagline for your brand, you can go ahead and trademark that as well. A tagline tells your customers what you stand for as a business. For example, KFC ‘It's finger lickin' good’.

4. Other Options

a. Colour Mark: You can register a trademark online for a colour or a combination of colours. (Ex: Cadbury has trademarked the colour royal blue)
b. Sound Mark: Musical notes or sounds can be trademarked via online trademark registration if we can prove that it's distinctive. Nokia has trademarked its tune.
c. Scent Mark: Even scents can be trademarked in online trademark registration.

Why Is Trademark Registration Important?

Trademark registration is important and necessary for a business because:
  1. It showcases your unique identity
  2. It helps you build trust and loyalty among your customers
  3. It offers legal protection for your brand’s identity
  4. It is an asset in itself
  5. It prevents unauthorised usage of your brand’s identity.

Documents required to register a Trademark online

Incorporation Certificate
If the trademark is registered under a company or LLP.
Partnership Deed
If the trademark is registered under a partnership firm.
PAN Card
Of the authorized signatory.
Aadhaar Card
Of the authorized signatory.
Form TM-48 Signed
The TM-48 is a legal document that permits your attorney to submit your trademark with the trademark registry on your behalf. 
Please do not upload the logo in black and white to ensure all colors of the trademark are covered under the registration.

Online Trademark Registration Process

Choose your brand name 

Brand isn't made in days so you should give a deep thought in brand name and decide accordingly. People prefer using general term for easy recognition. But generic term is so common that you will face very difficulty while registering. For example, you will come across various store named AtoZ store, Laxmi Bhandar, Competent Builders or Star services, these are very common. Before naming your brand keep a note of following points:
Whether it is your name or logo, try to make it original and duplication free. 
Do not apply for trademarks that are similar to well known trademarks like Philips, Siemens, Godrej, Reliance, and Tata, etc.
  1. Ensure that descriptive marks are not used, namely marks that merely describe the goods or services, for example: ‘Rose and Petals’ for gardening, ‘Samosas’ for food business, ‘Big Bazar’ for grocery store, etc.
  2. Avoid using surnames like ‘Aggarwals’, ‘Shetty’s’, ‘Iyengar’ or ‘Adigas’.
  3. Make the trademark fanciful. It is always better to make up or invent new words or phrases for a trademark. It gives you the strongest chances of getting approval. For e.g. TAXAJ for TAX (+)Abhilesh Jha
  4. Use arbitrary marks. Wherein a product is trademarked with an ordinary name which is not directly associated with the product. For example, Shell for petroleum, Amazon for booksellers, and Amul for dairy products, etc.

Choose your TM Class

Now if your brand name is decided, you must be certainly aware of the products that your business make or services that your company provides. for the sake of convenience trademark is classified into 45 different classes i.e. 34 for goods & 11 for services. You can register your brand in any one class or many. Choosing the wrong trademark class can be an absolute waste of your money.

Trademark Filing

The trademark registration application can be filed with the Trademark Registrar after the trademark search is completed. However, the application must be made in the prescribed manner and preceded by the applicable fees. The application can be made online or at any of the state's five Trademark Registrar's offices. 
The Trademark Registration application must contain the following information:
  1. Logo or the Trademark
  2. Name and address of the Trademark owner
  3. Trademark used Since the date
  4. Description of the goods or services

The Vienna Codification Process

The Vienna Classification, also known as the Vienna Codification, is an international classification of the symbolic elements of trademarks that was established by the Vienna Agreement (1973). The Trademark Registrar will apply the Vienna classification to the Trademark based on the marks' figurative elements after the Trademark registration application is filed. While this work is being done, the trademark application status is usually displayed as "Sent for Vienna Codification"

Trademark Examination

Post completion of the Vienna Codification, the Trademark registration application will be assigned to a Trademark Registrar's officer. After that, the officer will check the Trademark application for accuracy and produce a Trademark examination report. The officer has the option of accepting the Trademark application, allowing trademark journal publication, or objecting to the Trademark registration process.
If the application is denied, the applicant has the option of appearing before the Trademark Officer to answer the concerns. If the officer finds the justification sufficient, the Trademark will be approved for publishing in the Trademark Journal. The applicant has the ability to appeal the officer's judgement to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board if the grounds aren't suitable.

Trademark Journal Publication

The proposed Trademark is published in the Trademark journal once the Trademark Registrar accepts the registration application. This journal is published weekly and contains all of the trademarks that have been received by the Registrar. In addition, members of the public can oppose to a trademark registration if they believe it would harm them. If no objections are received within 90 days of publication, the mark will be registered in 12 weeks.
If a third party objects to the application, the Trademark Hearing Officer will schedule a hearing. Both the applicant and the opposer have the opportunity to appear and present their respective justifications. Based on the hearings and the evidence put forth, the Trademark Hearing Officer will determine if the application should be accepted or rejected. However, the decision by the Hearing officer can also be challenged by the escalating officer.

Trademark Registration

If no objections or oppositions are raised, just the trademark document and registration will be prepared and issued. Trademark is deemed a registered trademark of the owner only once the Trademark registration Certificate is issued, providing the owner some exclusive rights to the mark. The ® Symbol can now be added to a logo or a trademark.

👉 It takes days to plan a business.

👉 It takes weeks to register a business.

👉 It takes months to establish a business.

👉 But it takes years to make your business a brand. A Trademark brand.

So apply your Trademark Today with Team Taxaj in few Simple Steps. Owning a Trademark will prevent your competitor and any party on unsolicited use of your brand name. A Trademark can be a word, letter, number, phrase, symbol, shape or combination thereof. A unique brand name or logo is used to differentiate your product/service as distinct from others in the industry.

Created & Posted by Sony Garg

Accountant at TAXAJ

TAXAJ is a consortium of CA, CS, Advocates & Professionals from specific fields to provide you a One Stop Solution for all your Business, Financial, Taxation & Legal Matters under One Roof. Some of them are: Launch Your Start-Up Company/BusinessTrademark & Brand RegistrationDigital MarketingE-Stamp Paper OnlineClosure of BusinessLegal ServicesPayroll Services, etc. For any further queries related to this or anything else visit TAXAJ


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