Patent Registration

Patent Registration

Patent Registration in India – Procedure, Requirements & Fees

The complete patent registration process involves a series of steps which are to be mandatorily followed to get a patent in India. In this post, we will discuss the registration process involved in registering a patent in India and the costs involved.

Before filing a patent application in India, one should perform a detailed patentability search to determine whether a patent for it will be available or not. You can use the below link to conduct the patentability search It is to be noted here that this step in itself is not mandatory.

Drafting of patent application

  1. Once the search is complete and through, the next step involved is to prepare an application form in form 1.
  2. Each application has to be accompanied by a patent specification. This has to be prepared in form 2 where one has to provide the complete or provisional specification depending upon the state of the invention(Whether its partially completed or completed). In case one files a provisional application, a time gap of 12 months is provided to finalize the invention and file the complete application.
  3. A patent draft will also be required to be submitted along with the application. The patent draft is considered a very important document as the same will be used by the patent office in deciding whether or not patent should be granted.

Publication of patent application

Patent application filed with the Indian patent office will be published in the official patent journal. This is generally done after 18 months of filing the application. In case one wants to get it published earlier, he can make a request in form 9 for early publication. When a restriction is placed by the Indian patent act with regards to the publishing of the patent, the same will not be published in the journal.

Examining of patent application

Every application filed for protection will be examined before a patent is finally granted. The application has to be made for examination in form 18. The earlier one makes a request, the earlier the application will be examined by the examiner. Once the application is filed, it is transferred to the patent officer who will examine the application to ensure the same is in accordance with the patent act and rules. A thorough search is conducted by the officer where he/she analyses the relevant technology in depth and the objections, if any, will be communicated. The report issued in this case is called the First Examination Report(FER).

Grant of patent

The patent is granted once all the objections raised by the officer are resolved.

Rules to keep in mind while filing the patent application

  • The fees payable with respect to the grant of patents and applications therefor, and in respect of other matters for which fees are required to be payable are specified in the First Schedule.
  • An additional fee of 10% is payable when the applications for patent and other documents are filed physically.
  • The fees payable under the Act or rules may be paid at the appropriate office either in cash, or through electronic means, or may be sent by bank draft, or banker‘s cheque. The amount is payable to the Controller of Patents and drawn on a scheduled bank at the place where the appropriate office is situated. If the draft or banker‘s cheque is sent by post, the fees shall be deemed to have been paid on the date on which the draft or banker‘s cheque has actually reached the Controller.
  • Where a fee is payable with respect to a document, the entire fee shall accompany the document.
  • In case of transfer of application from a natural person to other than a natural person, the difference, if any between the fee shall be paid by the new applicant with the request for transfer.

In case an application by a small entity is fully or partly transferred to a person other that a natural person, the difference, if any, between the fee shall be paid by the new applicant with the request for transfer.

  • In case an application processed by a start-up is fully or partly transferred to any person other than a natural person or a start-up, the difference, if any, can be charged from a start-up and such person to whom the application is transferred. In short this shall be paid by the new applicant along with the request for transfer:

Explanation:  Where the start-up ceases to be a start-up after having filed an application for patent due to lapse of more than five years from the date of its incorporation or registration or the turnover subsequently crosses the financial threshold limit as defined, no such difference in the scale of fees shall be payable.

  • Fees once paid in respect of any proceeding shall not ordinarily be refunded irrespective of whether the proceeding has taken place or not:

Exception: If the Controller is satisfied that during the online filing process, the fee was paid more than once for the same, the excess fee shall be refunded.

  • A refund is initiated only if an applicant withdraws his request for examination before the first statement of objection is issued. Please note that this refund is only to the extent prescribed in the First Schedule.
  • Any person may deposit money in advance and request the Controller to realize any fee payable by him from the said deposit.
  • Subject to the approval of the Controller, any person may discontinue the deposit of money in advance and in such case the balance, if any, shall be refunded.

Created & Posted By Piyush Sharma

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