Private Limited Company Registration in Delhi NCR

Private Limited Company Registration in Delhi NCR

Private Limited Company Registration in Delhi NCR

For online Company Registration in Delhi, a minimum of 2 directors can be appointed whereas a maximum of 15 directors can be appointed.

To register a Private Limited Company in New Delhi no minimum paid-up capital is required. And it necessary to have Pvt. Ltd. at the end of the name.

Company registration in New Delhi is easy if the following requirements are complied with:

  1. A minimum of 2 directors who are residents of India
  2. Minimum of 2 shareholders and a maximum of 200 shareholders are required.
  3. For company registration in New Delhi the government fees to be paid for a minimum of shares worth Rs.1 Lakh.
  4. A registered address is required. 

Following documents should be submitted for registering a Private Limited Company in New Delhi :

  1. PAN card of all the directors
  2. Identity proof bearing the applicant’s name
  3. Address proof bearing the applicant’s name
  4. Two passport size photographs of each director

Company Registration in New Delhi can be done easily in 10 days. TAXAJ has been providing registration services all over India at a very affordable rate.

TAXAJ is a consortium of CA, CS, Advocates & Professionals from specific fields to provide you a One Stop Solution for all your Business, Financial, Taxation & Legal Matters under One Roof. Some of them are: Launch Your Start-Up Company/BusinessTrademark & Brand RegistrationDigital MarketingE-Stamp Paper OnlineClosure of BusinessLegal ServicesPayroll Services, etc. For any further queries related to this or anything else visit TAXAJ

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TAXAJ Corporate Services LLP
Address: 1/11, 1st Floor, Sulahkul Vihar, Old Palam Road, Dwarka, Delhi-110078
Contact: 8961228919 ; 8802812345 | E-Mail:

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