Private Limited Company Registration in India

Private Limited Company Registration in India

A private limited company in India is governed under the Ministry of corporate affairs (MCA). Registering a company is easy through IndiaFilings, as it is done completely online. To register a company in India a minimum of two people are required to act as directors and shareholders. To register a Private limited company in India the Director's PAN card, address proof, and the bank statement are required with the address proof of the registered office.

Section 2 (68) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines a private company as:

A company having a minimum paid-up share capital as may be prescribed, and which by its articles,

  • restricts the right to transfer its shares;
  • except in case of One Person Company, limits the number of its members to two hundred;
  • prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe to any securities of the company.

It is highly recommendable to get a private limited company registration as this type of company offers limited liability to the shareholders with certain restrictions that are placed on the ownership.

Private Limited Company is the most popular type of business entity in India. Over 20 lakh companies have been registered in India as of October 2020 and 12 lakh companies are classified as active. All companies registered in India are governed by the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) under the Companies Act, 2013.

Requirements to register a Private Limited Company in India

No of Shareholders2 individuals
No of Directors2 individuals ( Can be 3)
Authorized CapitalRs. 1 lakh minimum
Paid-up capitalRs. 10,000

NOTE: This is just a primary requirement the no of directors can be increased to 15 and the number of shareholders can be increased to 200.

Documents required for obtaining the Private Limited Registration in India

Identity proof the 2 Directors and submit the documents that are mentioned below:

PAN Card: PAN Card copy of the proposed Directors of the Company will be required for Company Registration.

Address Proof: The address proof submitted must have the name of the Director as mentioned in the PAN Card and the most current address of the Director.

Residential Proof: The residential proof must also contain the name of the Director as mentioned in the PAN Card and must not be older than two months.

Registered Office Proof: In addition to providing identity, address, and residential address for the Directors, proof must be provided to validate the registered office address of the Company.

  • The registered document of the title of the premises of the registered office in the name of the company;
  • OR
  • The notarized copy of lease/rent agreement in the name of the company along with a copy of rent paid receipt not older than one month;

In addition to the above, the following must also be provided as proof of registered office:

  • The authorization from the Landlord (Name mentioned in the Electricity Bill or Gas Bill or Water Bill or Property Tax Receipt or Sale Deed) to use the premises by the company as its registered office. This is usually referred to as NOC from Landlord;
  • AND
  • Proof of evidence of any utility service like telephone, gas, electricity, etc. depicting the address of the premises in the name of the owner or document, which is not older than two months.

For any further queries related to this or anything else visit TAXAJ

TAXAJ Corporate Services LLP
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