Roles & Responsibilities of Virtual CEO

Roles & Responsibilities of Virtual CEO

Virtual CEO is not a new term anymore.

It is heard and even searched to a great extent by various small, medium and even large organization.
Contractual hiring has been gaining momentum as organizations brace themselves for the new normal which was instilled after the destructive reign of the Coronavirus.

A sudden shift in work structure is observed as the pandemic forced companies to opt for contractual hiring events at the senior leadership level.

The pandemic called for immediate lockdown that had a devastating impact on the economy due to companies struggling to restore functionality during these unprecedented times.

Paranoia crept up on all, leaving one anxious about the uncertain future. The pandemic made one question the things we had all taken for granted – life, health, and financial safety.

As the market collapsed, job security was lost for all employees irrespective of their seniority or experience in the organization. All that was important was hiring resourceful people who can help companies stay afloat. 

99 Problems – 1 Solution

A new methodology was devised, well, more like an unpopular practice was embraced by organizations to minimize their expenditure while maximizing their output. As employees struggled during the digitization of business models and changing work structure, dynamic leaders needed to be hired that specialized in resource management and could be hired on contract.

A Virtual CEO or CFO would not only help companies in keeping their costs low but also bring a sense of diversity and exposure to the company. As more and more people get laid off due to companies being ill-equipped to handle the shift to ‘new normal’, a contractual or interim CEO eliminates the need to hire more people for different roles and guides the company through their vast experiences.

Social media and digital marketing are the foundation of the post-pandemic business world.

A true Virtual CEO should have the skills to capitalize on the fundamental organizational change with people juggling between personal and professional life efficiently. As the world drowned in the chaos created by the Coronavirus, there was no time to strategize or brainstorm ways to keep the corporate ball rolling.

Uncertain Times Call for Unusual Strategy

The digitization of business operations has proven effective, effective being the keyword. The unproductive hours wasted in coordinating with people for them to show up at meetings, or break room chit-chats have changed for the better. Increased productivity and better communication skills are the result of the swift transition from hallway meetings and break room chit-chats to video calls and google meets.

It enhances accountability for the hours one was digitally available and the amount of work that was carried out reducing time wasted in coordination. The safety of humans as a species was threatened with the coronavirus outbreak and as a result, mandatory changes were implemented that changed the course of our lives. 

Unlearning Your Way To Success

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is a problem solver – someone who can make tactical decisions on their feet while keeping the big picture in mind. Technology provides access to real-time data which enables a Virtual CEO to make quick decisions and prepares them for unforeseen events through trend prediction.

Keeping your business’s supply chain running through the coronavirus outbreak was the real challenge that we faced on a global level.

However, the entire world came together to help each other during these challenging times that enabled smooth business operations.

The pandemic presented a unique opportunity that made us question our assumptions and helped us break free from the norms that no longer applied. Adaptability remains the key to successful business ventures. 

The rise of Virtual CEO offers companies a leeway when hiring a specialist.
It provides dynamic exposure and projects to the employee’s experience and relieves the employer of the commitment enabling them to switch to other specialists depending on the need of the hour.

All We Need Is Love (and Purpose)

If we had to describe the past year in one word, the word of choice would be “Hustle”. We have all hustled our way to this newfound stability.

The possibility of the incredible things we have been able to whip up during this challenging time was only through our strong sense of purpose. With the fundamental understanding of our new roles, we all learned soft skills on the go enabling us to meet our personal needs and the needs of society.

A  Virtual CEO or Digital CEO offers value addition and automatically reduces the cost to the company. The contractual nature offers a CEO to oversee multiple companies. Although issues related to company confidentiality and liability for the same can be challenging, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Contractual positions in senior management are no longer a way of cost-cutting for companies as a last resort, but a crucial requirement in the post-corona new normal.

Roles & Responsibilities of Virtual CEO / Digital CEO

Virtual CEO or Digital CEO is something which your business needs for reaching greater heights. It is something that helps your business to achieve higher profits.

This also contributes to helping your business by providing guidance related to boosting market share, improving efficiencies. Other than that, they work by putting greater emphasis on innovative thinking. It’s interesting to read the rise of Virtual CEO.

So, if you are seeking professional advice from experts, then you should opt for the services of Virtual CEO. They will help the businesses to achieve their unique goals. 

This is considered to be the future of business and entrepreneurship as the world is becoming more and more virtual with the passing day.

Currently, the new-age entrepreneurs have concluded that a virtual CEO is the next thing which people will consider.

More Information

Virtual CEOs always tend to provide unique and highly innovative services. They help in enhancing the growth and profitability of an organization by providing its best services.

Mainly, they focus on consulting and mentoring senior executives, business professionals, and entrepreneurs.

So, they aim to add value to the organization as well as the senior executives specifically through mentoring, consulting, and online training.

Role Of A Virtual Or Digital CEO

Digital or Virtual CEO has a complete focus on strategy execution, operations control as well as a digital transformation.

This section will let you know about the roles of a virtual or digital CEO.
  •  Their main role is to create, communicate and implement the mission, vision, and overall direction of the organization. They also lead the development as well as the implementation of the overall strategy of an organization.
  • They possess hands-on training in effectively managing day-to-day functions. CEOs are also involved in setting the vision, tone, and culture of their organizations.
  • Virtual CEOs always ensure that the company maintains high social responsibility.
  • They focus on evaluating the work of other executive leaders within the company.
  • CEOs work to effectively maintain awareness of the industry developments, expansion opportunities, and competitive market landscape.

Key Benefits Of Employing A Virtual CEO

Some of the key benefits that you receive by employing a virtual or digital CEO are the following:
  • They mainly focus on core business and execute their best strategies for the success of the business.
  • A virtual CEO contributes to thoroughly analyzing current business strategies.
  • Their services are effective and economical.
  • They contribute to providing professional business advice specifically across all your business areas.
  • They tend to foster innovation within the business.
  • Again, a digital or virtual CEO covers specific areas like Financials, Operations, HR, Marketing, and a lot more.
  • They focus on using an allocated number of consulting hours that are suitable for their needs.
  • They provide their services at a convenient monthly costing which does not get out of control.
  • A virtual CEO will work daily on dedicated working hours to meet the unique needs of your business.
  • They are exposed to cross-learning from diverse industries.
  • Also, they find it very easy to make unbiased hard decisions.
  •  You will always get the flexibility of association by opting for their services. They fix the duration and extend this whenever required.
  • You will not experience any increase in liability by opting for their services.

Value Adding Services Provided As Virtual CEO

  • Quarterly reviews
  • Monthly reviews
  • Annual budgeting
  • Building business excellence
  • Creating operational excellence
  • Developing business targets and goals
  • Strategic planning
  • Interactive learning sessions that are highly customized
  • Family business management
  • Chairing board meetings
  • Conducting performance appraisals
  • Tactical level support for different business functions
  • Reviews meetings

Reasons Why Family Businesses Are In Need Of A Virtual CEO

The concept of virtual CEO is considered to be suitable for family businesses that are at the threshold of growth.

So, any of the family business organizations should focus on opting for CEO services for taking their business to the next level. The best part about this is that you can opt for these services at minimal costs.

Below are mentioned some of the major reasons why a virtual CEO is proved to be helpful for the family businesses:
  • A virtual CEO manages family businesses in a more effective and structured way. They do this by working on an outsourced basis.
  • They tend to effectively enhance the family business equity value.
  • By creating clarity of roles as well as responsibilities, they tend to build a professional work culture.
  • They always contribute to succession planning.
  • Other than that, they ensure strategic planning as well as enhance family business revenue.
  • A virtual CEO can precisely monitor the family business functions on a monthly and daily basis.

Functional Area Of A Virtual CEO

Sales & Marketing (Focusing on Price / Place / Product / Process / People)

Actionable Points

Ø  Sales & marketing plan
Ø  Marketing communications – catalogs
Ø  Pricing policy or product management
Ø  Lead management for higher sales productivity
Ø  Customer touchpoints improvements
Ø  Sales policy framing as well as implementations
Ø  Sales effectiveness mapping and training
Ø  B2C or B2B channel management

Client Benefits

Ø  Reduced cost
Ø  Increase in recognition and brand value
Ø  Increase in sales and revenue
Ø  Increase in network
Ø  Easy acceptance of the product in the market
Ø  Systematic approach

HR Support Services

Actionable Points

Ø  Employee engagement programs
Ø  Strategies of rewards and performance appraisal or retention
Ø  Job description and KPI or KRA
Ø  Induction and training requirement mapping
Ø  Identification, shortlisting, and recruitment
Ø  HRMS software or organogram

Client Benefits

Ø  Reduced cost
Ø  Less rate of attrition
Ø  A shift in organizational culture
Ø  Increase in the productivity of the employee
Ø  Increase in efficiency or effectiveness 

Digital Transformation – Website And Digital Marketing/CRM

Actionable Points

Ø  CRM software implementation
Ø  Social media marketing
Ø  SEO or Search engine optimization
Ø  Website or app development and support

Client Benefits

Ø  Lead generation and management
Ø  Brand building or recognition
Ø  Digital presence specifically for brand awareness 

Post Sales Or After Sales Service

Actionable Points

Ø  Framing and implementations of policy
Ø  Setting up of call center and management
Ø  Setting up of back-office and management
Ø  Analysis of data and improvements of the product
Ø  Implementation of CRM systems for automation
Ø  Post-sales or after-sales set up

Client Benefits

Ø  Reduced cost
Ø  Brand building and network creation
Ø  Scalability automation
Ø  Increase in customer satisfaction 
  • Process Improvements Or Operation Management
Actionable Points

Ø  Business processes that are redefined
Ø  Inventory planning and management

Client Benefits

Ø  Reduced cost
Ø  Enhanced processes
Ø  Reduced in stock holding capital

Product Management

Actionable Points

Ø  Strategy related to the launch of new product (such as features/benefits/pilot testing/product feedback process set up)

Client Benefits

Ø  Extremely less chance of product failure
Ø  Enhanced bottom-line
Ø  Early market launch as well as acceptance

Final Words

So, the above-mentioned ones are some of the most important things which you need to know about virtual CEOs or digital CEOs. This concept has proved to be very helpful for family businesses.

For more information on this, visit TAXAJ

Posted by Aashima
Team TaxaJ

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