Before filing a trademark application, a Trademark search must find potential with existing trademark applications and even registered trademarks. A trademark search can be done by providing the word mark and the class under which the investigation is conducted.
A trademark application is made
under 45 different classes as per the NICE classification for Trademark. Each
of the trademark classes represents a different set of goods and services. To
find the trademark class for particular goods or services, an individual should
use trademark class finder tools.
Conducting a Trademark search online will provide the name information of a registered brand name/Trademark, which can be similar (phonetically) to your Trademark.
A list of prohibited marks is provided so that an individual can check whether the brand name or the Trademark falls under such banned characters.
Under the Vienna code classification, if the brand name has a logo, then a trademark search gives you the information and details of similar brand names.
It is essential to conduct a Trademark search to register the applicants' trademark or brand mark logo under the Trademark Act. In case a similar Trademark exists in the registry of Trademarks, the name can be altered, or an individual can select a new name.
If any similar trademark exists, then the newly applied Trademark should be altered, or a new name can be selected.
If the brand name is unique, then one can go ahead to register the brand the name. It is always advisable to conduct a trademark search before filing a trademark application to register the Trademark.
Search Criteria |
Keyword Fields |
Wordmark |
Wordmark, class, goods description |
Vienna Code |
Vienna code, class |
Phonetic |
Phonetic, class, goods description |
Created & Posted by Pooja
Income Tax Expert at TAXAJ
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