Trademark Registration for Logo in India

Trademark Registration for Logo in India

What Is a Trademark?

A trademark is a mark that is used to identify the source of a good or service. It can be a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of these elements. A trademark can be used to protect the brand of a business and to prevent others from using it without permission.
Trademark registration for a logo is a legal process that provides protection to the unique visual design of a logo, ensuring that it cannot be used by others without the owner's permission. A logo is a distinctive symbol, graphic, or design that represents a company, brand, or product. By registering a logo as a trademark, the owner gains exclusive rights to use the logo in connection with specific goods or services.

What Is the Process for Logo Trademark Registration in India?

The process for trademarking a logo in India is relatively simple. You will need to file an application with the Trademark Office and pay the required fee. Once your Logo Trademark Registration is approved, your logo will be registered as a trademark in India and you will have the exclusive right to use it. Here's a step-by-step process for trademark registration in India:
Before filing a trademark application, it is advisable to conduct a preliminary search to ensure that a similar or identical logo is not already registered or pending registration. You can perform a search on the official website of the Trademark Registry in India  or seek professional assistance.

Filing the Application:

Once you have conducted a trademark search, you can proceed with filing the trademark application. In India, you can file the application online through the official website of the Trademark Registry. Fill in the necessary details, including applicant information, trademark details, class of goods/services, and upload the logo representation.


After filing the application, it undergoes an examination by the Trademark Office. They will review the application for compliance with the Trademarks Act and regulations. If any objections or discrepancies are found, a trademark examination report will be issued to the applicant. The applicant needs to respond to the objections within the stipulated time frame (usually within one month).

Publication in the Trademark Journal:

If the trademark application passes the examination stage, it is published in the Trademark Journal. This publication provides an opportunity for third parties to oppose the registration of the trademark within a specific period (usually four months from the date of publication). If no opposition is raised, the application proceeds to the next stage.

Registration and Certificate:

If there is no opposition or if the opposition is successfully resolved in favor of the applicant, the trademark is registered, and a registration certificate is issued. The registration certificate serves as proof of trademark ownership and protection.

What Happens After a Trademark Is Registered?

After a trademark is registered, the owner of the trademark may use the relevant symbol to indicate that the trademark is registered. The owner of the trademark may also file a lawsuit against someone who uses the trademark without permission.
The owner of a registered trademark also has the exclusive right to use the trademark. This means that others cannot use the trademark without permission from the owner. The owner can give permission for others to use the Logo Trademark Registration Process by licensing it.

The owner of a registered trademark can file an opposition against someone who files an application for a similar trademark. The owner can also file an infringement lawsuit against someone who uses the registered trademark without permission.

Overall, registering a trademark gives the owner exclusive rights to use the trademark and helps to protect it from infringement.

Ways of Proving the Use of a Trademarked Logo:-

There are a few ways of proving the use of a trademarked logo in India. One way is to show that the logo is being used in commerce. This can be done by providing evidence such as sales receipts, invoices, or shipping documents that show the logo is being used in connection with the sale of goods or services.
Another way of proving the use of a trademarked logo is to show that the logo is being used in advertising or on promotional materials. This can be done by providing printouts of advertisements or flyers that feature the logo.
Finally, another way of proving the use of a trademarked logo is to show that it is being used on the company’s website or social media pages. This can be done by providing screenshots or links to the company’s website or social media pages that feature the logo.
Overall, there are a few different ways of proving the use of a trademarked logo in India. By providing evidence of use in commerce, advertising, or on the company’s website or social media pages, you can help to prove that the logo is being used and help to protect your rights to it.

Checklist Before and After Logo Trademark Registration

Applying for a trademark can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and preparation, it can be a relatively smooth process. Here is a brief checklist of the things you should do before and after you apply for a trademark:

Before you apply for a trademark, you should:

  1. Come up with a strong and distinctive name for your logo
  2. Choose a few different designs for your logo
  3. Create a prototype of your product or service.
  4. Research your design to make sure it is unique and not already in use by another company

After you apply for a trademark, you should:

  1. Monitor your mark to make sure it is not being used without your permission
  2. Enforce your rights if you find someone using your mark without authorization
  3. Renew your Brand Logo every 10 years.
Myth Busters for Trademarking a Logo
Many people believe that they need to have a registered business to trademark a logo in India. However, this is not the case. You can trademark a logo regardless of whether your business is registered or not.
There is also a common misconception that you need to use your logo in commerce to be able to trademark it. Again, this is not the case. In many cases, you can do Logo Trademark Registration even if you have not yet used it in commerce
Another myth about trademarking a logo in India is that you need to have the logo registered in other countries before you can register it in India. This is not true. You can register a trademark for your logo in India even if it is not registered anywhere else in the world
Finally, many people think that they need to have a physical copy of their logo before they can trademark it. Again, this is not the case. You can file for a trademark without having a physical copy of the logo.

👉 It takes days to plan a business.

👉 It takes weeks to register a business.

👉 It takes months to establish a business.

👉 But it takes years to make your business a brand. A Trademark brand.

So apply your Trademark Today with Team Taxaj in few Simple Steps. Owning a Trademark will prevent your competitor and any party on unsolicited use of your brand name. A Trademark can be a word, letter, number, phrase, symbol, shape or combination thereof. A unique brand name or logo is used to differentiate your product/service as distinct from others in the industry.

Created & Posted by Sony Garg

Accountant at TAXAJ

TAXAJ is a consortium of CA, CS, Advocates & Professionals from specific fields to provide you a One Stop Solution for all your Business, Financial, Taxation & Legal Matters under One Roof. Some of them are: Launch Your Start-Up Company/BusinessTrademark & Brand RegistrationDigital MarketingE-Stamp Paper OnlineClosure of BusinessLegal ServicesPayroll Services, etc. For any further queries related to this or anything else visit TAXAJ


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