Trademark Registration Trademark Renewal in India

Trademark Registration Trademark Renewal in India

Trademark Registration Renewal

Trademark registration renewal in India is a crucial process that ensures the continued protection and exclusivity of a registered trademark. A trademark is a unique symbol, word, or combination of both that distinguishes goods or services of one entity from those of others. In India, trademark registrations are valid for a period of ten years, and renewal is necessary to maintain the rights associated with the trademark. The following paragraphs provide an overview of the trademark renewal process in India.

To initiate the renewal process, the trademark owner must file a renewal application with the Trademark Registry. The application should be submitted on the appropriate form, accompanied by the prescribed fee. The renewal application can be filed online through the official website of the Trademark Registry or physically at the relevant trademark office.

The renewal application must be filed within the prescribed timeframe, which is six months before the expiration of the trademark registration or within six months after the expiration. Filing within this grace period ensures that the trademark remains protected without any loss of rights. If the renewal application is not filed within the stipulated timeframe, there is a provision for restoration by filing a request for restoration along with the prescribed fee and a valid reason for the delay.

Trademark owners should be diligent in monitoring the renewal deadlines to avoid any lapse in protection. Maintaining an accurate record of the renewal due dates is crucial, as failing to renew the trademark can result in the loss of exclusive rights and potentially open the door for others to infringe upon the mark.

Trademark renewal is of two types:

  1. There is alteration and change of sign or logo of the registered trademark 
  2. Application is made without any change in the trademark

Trademark renewal process in India:

The process of trademark registration renewal in India involves the following steps:

Determine the Renewal Due Date:

Trademark owners should keep track of the expiration date of their trademark registration. Renewal can be initiated six months before the expiration date or within six months after the expiration date. It is important to note that there is a grace period of six months after the expiration during which the renewal application can still be filed.

Preparation of Renewal Application:

The trademark owner or an authorized agent must prepare the renewal application. The application should be filed on the appropriate form, which is Form TM-R, and include the necessary details such as the trademark registration number, class of goods or services, and the applicant's information.

Filing the Renewal Application:

The renewal application can be filed either online through the official website of the Trademark Registry ( or physically at the relevant trademark office. The application should be accompanied by the prescribed fee, which depends on factors such as the mode of filing (online or offline) and the number of classes the trademark is registered under.

Examination and Objections:

Once the renewal application is filed, the Trademark Registry examines it for compliance with formal requirements and conducts a search for conflicting marks. If any objections or discrepancies are found, the Registry issues an examination report outlining the objections.

Responding to Objections:

If objections are raised in the examination report, the applicant must respond within the specified period, typically within one month. The response should address the objections raised by the Registry and provide supporting evidence or arguments to overcome the objections.

Renewal Certificate:

If the renewal application and the response to objections, if any, are found to be satisfactory, the Trademark Registry renews the trademark registration. A renewal certificate is issued to the applicant, confirming the extension of protection for another ten years. The renewal certificate serves as evidence of the renewed trademark registration and should be retained for future reference.

Restoration of Expired Trademarks:

If the renewal application is not filed within the grace period of six months after the expiration of the trademark registration, the trademark is considered expired. However, there is a provision for restoration by filing a request for restoration along with the prescribed fee and a valid reason for the delay. The request for restoration should be filed within one year from the date of expiration.

Benefits of Trademark Renewal

Trademark registration renewal in India offers several significant benefits to trademark owners. Let's explore some of these benefits:

Continued Protection:

Renewing a trademark registration ensures the ongoing protection of the mark. By renewing the registration every ten years, trademark owners can maintain their exclusive rights over the mark, preventing others from using similar marks in connection with similar goods or services. This protection helps safeguard the brand's identity and reputation in the marketplace.
A valid and renewed trademark registration provides a strong legal basis for taking legal action against infringers. In case of any unauthorized use or infringement of the registered trademark, the trademark owner can enforce their rights through legal remedies, including filing infringement suits, obtaining injunctions, and seeking damages. Renewal reinforces the legal strength of the trademark and enhances the owner's ability to protect their brand.

Brand Recognition and Distinction:

Renewing a trademark registration allows the trademark owner to continue using the mark to distinguish their goods or services from those of others. A registered and renewed trademark signifies the origin and quality of the products or services associated with it. Over time, consistent use of a renewed trademark helps build brand recognition and consumer trust, contributing to the brand's distinct identity and market presence.

Trademark Valuation and Asset Protection:

A renewed trademark registration adds value to a company's intellectual property portfolio. It strengthens the brand's intangible assets, which can be an essential component of a company's overall valuation. In case of mergers, acquisitions, or licensing agreements, a valid and renewed trademark registration enhances the brand's appeal and value, offering protection and revenue-generating opportunities.

Geographical Expansion:

Trademark registration renewal is particularly crucial for businesses planning to expand their operations in India. By renewing the trademark, the owner secures exclusive rights in the Indian market, preventing others from using similar marks. This exclusivity enables businesses to establish a strong presence in new regions, protect their market share, and maintain consistent branding across different locations.

Licensing and Franchising Opportunities:

A renewed trademark registration opens up opportunities for licensing and franchising arrangements. A trademark owner can grant licenses to third parties to use the mark in exchange for royalties or fees. Renewing the trademark strengthens the credibility of such licensing agreements, attracting potential licensees or franchisees who are more likely to be interested in partnering with a protected and recognized brand.

Deterrent for Potential Infringers:

A valid and renewed trademark registration acts as a deterrent for potential infringers. Seeing that a mark is protected and actively maintained through renewals, individuals or businesses are less likely to risk infringing upon it. This helps reduce the likelihood of brand dilution, confusion among consumers, and damage to the trademark owner's reputation.

Created & Posted by Sony Garg

Accountant at TAXAJ

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