Before filing a trademark application, a Trademark search must find potential with existing trademark applications and even registered trademarks. A trademark search can be done by providing the word mark and the class under which the investigation is conducted.
A trademark application is made under 45 different classes as per the NICE classification for Trademark. Each of the trademark classes represents a different set of goods and services. An individual should use trademark class finder tools to find the trademark class for particular goods or services.
To conduct a trademark search in
India, visit the trademark search database using a web browser.
1. Select Wordmark as the Search type at the top of the page
2. Enter the wordmark you would like to search on the trademark database. The trademark database can be compared against the search query with three conditions- 'start with,' 'contains,' and 'match with.'
- Start with displaying all the entries in the trademark search database that start with the value provided for search.
- Contains all display all the entries in the trademark search database that contains all the values provided for search
- Match will display all the entries in the trademark search database that matches the value provided for the search.
3. The class of the Trademark that is applicable should be entered. Trademarks are divided into 45 classes wherein each class represents a distinct group of goods and services. A registered trademark or trademark application will only be pertinent to the class for which it is applied.
4. You can click on search to begin the
Trademark search with the final step.
A simple search will bring up several matches, and understanding the trademark search status is essential for interpreting the implications.
If "no matches found" is displayed, then there are no registered or applied trademarks that match the query. For a trademark to be registered, it must not be similar to any existing trademarks.
Created & Posted by Pooja
Income Tax Expert at TAXAJ
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