The second page is the advance stamped receipt which is to be filled only if you choose cheque as the mode of payment along with a revenue stamp of Rs.1. Here is an image to show how page 1 of the form looks.
Step 2: Enter the UAN, password, and captcha to sign in to the portal.
Step 3: Under the ‘Online Services’ section, select ‘Claim Form – 31, 19, 10C & 10D’.
Step 4: On Form 31, 19, 10C & 10D page, you will see an auto-filled form with your name, father/husband name, date of birth, contact number, KYC details, and service details as shown in the image below.
Step 5: Verify your bank account details and enter the last four digits of your bank account number in the text box. Click on the ‘Verify’ button for the software to verify if you are the authorised owner of the account.
Step 6: Upon successful verification, enter the details such as Date of Ending (DOE) EPF and EPS accounts. Also, specify the reason for leaving.

Step 7: Select ‘Yes’ for signing the ‘Certificate of Undertaking’.
Step 8: For the field with the label ‘I want to apply for, choose the ‘Only PF Withdrawal (Form 19)’ from the drop-down menu.
Step 9: Enter the full postal address, select the disclaimer, and click on ‘Get Aadhaar OTP’.
Step 10: An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number. Enter the OTP in the relevant field.
Step 11: Submit the application.
Step 12: A reference number will be displayed upon successful submission.
Step 13:The PF amount withdrawn will be deposited to your bank account that is linked with the UAN.
Before you apply for withdrawal with Form 19, you must be ready with the following pre-requisites:
Activate your UAN on the EPF Member portal.
Link your UAN with your bank account as well as PAN.
Link your mobile number with UAN.
Check if you are eligible for final settlement. If you are not, the form will not be displayed.
The form can be filled only after two months of leaving the job or on retirement.
Providing a mobile number is mandatory for final settlement.
PAN is mandatory for claiming final settlement.
The composite claim form is a combination of Form 19, Form 31, Form 10C, and Form 10D. You have to fill Form 19 for final settlement, Form 31 for partial EPF withdrawal, Form 10C for pension withdrawal, and Form 10D for withdrawal of monthly pension.
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